Pelbárt Jenő: Európai papírgyárak vízjel-védjegyei Magyarországon (1859–1949)
Megjelent a magyar papírhasználat 700 éves évfordulója alkalmából 2010-ben.
296 oldal, keménytáblás, A/4 méretű magyar nyelvű könyv, angol összefoglalóval
49 térkép,172 fekete-fehér ábra , 238 vízjel-védjegy leírás
A könyv az európai papírgyárak Magyarországon bejegyzett vízjel-védjegyeit, a védjegytulajdonosokat és azok papírgyárait a mindenkori történelmi háttérbe helyezve tekinti át. A vízjel rajzolatok leírását és egykorú ábráit a vízjel-védjegy tulajdonosok rövid cégtörténete színezi. Az egykori történelmi helyszínek és szereplők között az eligazodást betűrendes és időrendi listák segítik. A téma XXI. századi aktualitását fokozza az európai uniós vízjel-védjegyek tetten érhető reneszánsza és töretlen térhódítása.
Most European states with advanced paper industry have controlled the use of trade-marks including watermark trade-marks with statutes already in the 17th century. In the Habsburg Monarchy and the Kingdom of Hungary, this began with a lag, and was realized only in the second half of the 19th century, after the Compromise of 1867, within the legal frames of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. This was furthered by the soaring European paper trade and the increasing demands on paper.
After the first statute about trade-marks came into existence, Hungary – as the most important Land of the Crown in the Monarchy – signed contracts with the European states regarding mutual protection of trade-marks. This resulted in more effort of European papermills to acquire and continuously renew trade-mark protection for their paper products, distributed in the territory of Hungary.
In the period 1885 to 1949 there were about 238 watermark trade-marks in various paper products from more than 60 papermills belonging to 41 European owners. However, the exact number of watermark trade-marks, registered in the territory of historical Hungary can unfortunately not be determined because of the lost register books. The situation is further complicated by the fact that in many cases, watermarks were made from registered, unique or general purpose paper industry trade-marks, intended originally for other purposes. In fact, this had no obstacle, for the design of most paper industry trade-marks – including those of watermark trade-marks – were registered for general paper industry use. The owners had the right to use their registered trade-mark for multiple purposes, be it in printed, pressed or papermill watermark form. Thus, trade-marks, effectively appearing in Hungary, consist on the one hand of those originally registered for the purpose of watermark, and, on the other, of general purpose trade-marks, later applied also as watermarks.
The book surveys the watermark trade-marks of European papermills, registered in Hungary, owners of trade-marks, and their papermills, in the contemporary historical background. Descriptions and illustrations of watermark designs are accompanied by short histories of watermark trade-mark owning firms. Orientation among historical places and participants is helped by alphabetical and chronological lists. The apparent renaissance and further spread of European Union watermark trade-marks increase the 21st century actuality of the topic.