Pelbárt Jenő: Vízjelek Budapest Főváros Levéltárából

Megjelent a  magyar papírhasználat 700 éves évfordulója alkalmából 2010-ben.

183  oldalas,  keménytáblás, A/4 méretű magyar nyelvű könyv,  angol összefoglalóval
132 vízjel leírásával és rajzával

A könyv Budapest Főváros Levéltárának vízjelekben gazdag iratanyagából rekonstruált vízjelrajzokból mutat be érdekes válogatást. A levéltárból felkutatott, a városigazgatáshoz kapcsolódó papíralapú emlékek mintegy 22 ezer iratfolyóméternyi tömege számos magyar papírmalom és papírkereskedő vízjeles papírját is megőrizte. A több mint ötszáz évet átfogó vízjeles papíranyag sok új adattal szolgál a magyar papír-malmok működésével és vízjelhasználati szokásaival kapcsolatban. A szerző a kötet vízjeleit céh-, árva- és polgárkönyvekből, árvaszéki és egyéb végrendeletekből, törvényhatósági és egyházlátogatási jegyzőkönyvekből, városi tanácsi és polgármesteri levelezésből rekonstruálta.

Kapcsolódó cikkek:

Watermarks from the Budapest City Archives
 The material of the Budapest City Archives is very rich in watermarks, and especially in     Hungarian watermarks. The 22 000 running metres of paper documents produced by the old local administration of the settlements preserved the watermarked papers of several Hungarian paper mills. By representing more than 500 years, the paper material with watermarks contains much new information about the operation and watermark use of Hungarian paper mills.
 The documents of the operated city-, village- and district administrations on the territory of the capital of Budapest today also have many interesting and rare watermarks. The free royal capital of Buda's, the free royal town of Pest's and the market town of Óbuda's  guild-, orphan-, and   civilbooks, orphan's court and other testaments, recorders of the municipal authorities and the minutes of canonical visitations, the letters from the city officials and council and the majors' letters, and the officers' registers are valueable sources of Hungarian watermark research.
 The oldest watermark of the Budapest City Archives, that we know, is in the Collection before the Mohács Battle in 1500. The popular Italian watermark motive, showing a scale in a circle with stars saved in many variants and good quality  in the German butchers' guildbook.
The watermark displaying a galloping deer with fleury lilied antlers and the framed-monogram of János György Schobenwalter, paper manufacturer in Léka, can be found  in the late 17th century of the council of Buda.
 János Kapellner, one of the most significant Hungarian wholesale paper merchants, operated in Buda from 1754 till 1780. He received his paper merchant licence from Maria Theresa after long dicussions with authorities. Besides the contemporary watermarked papers, he also sold papers with watermarks designed by himself. His good quality products were bought by individuals, as well as by authorities, as proved by many interesting and rare variants of Kapellner-watermarks found in the archive. Kapellner's practice of merchant  with a type series of papers with watermarks designed for each, was unique in his time because of his large product variety and many types of his own designed watermarks. In that time there was not a general practice to have own name-watermark and to sell papers with watermark-motives fitting to his own papertype without owning a paper mill.  During his twenty-six-year trading Kapellner ordered mouldered paper from many Hungarian paper mills, so he had ZNIÓVÁRALJA-2 and POPRAD paper mill work for him. A dozen of new variants and some  totally new, unknown Kapellner-watermarks have been found among the material of the testaments of the orphans' courts in the archives. We can find large-size watermarks with the characteristics castle gate-, coat-of-arms and name-watermarks as well displaying a fine line-system.
 The late 19th century material already contains many pressed-watermarks. In the 20th century material of the Budapest City Archives there appear factory watermarks together with watermark-trademarks of paper factories Zágráb, Poprád, Szentendre, and Diósgyőr. In many papers there are  different size variants of coat-of-arms watermark with goose of The First Hungarian Paper Industrial Factory.
 Early 20th century letters, written to the mayor of Budapest prove that the capital city also had a coat-of-arms watermark of its own, the two nicest of them come from 1911. Both of them describe the coat-of-arms of Budapest with lion and griffin. One of them is a real printpaper with stylized figures almost like logos. Another one is drawn with a very fine and opulent line-system, almost natural and its interesting feature is a rare pressed-watermark of the paper factory Hermanec.